This little table was an OpShop find that I just couldn't resist. It was already cute but very tired. I decided that I wanted a cottage style makeover and that it would be perfect with the black and white flower elements of Dixie Belle's 'Bud and Branches' Transfer.
I used all Dixie Belle products on this piece and you'll find links throughout the post if you want to try them out and achieve a similar look.
White Lightening, Bottle, Mister with Plain Water, Chux and Scrubby sponge.
Juniper and Cashmere Limited Edition Chalk Mineral Paint
Sand Bar Chalk Mineral Paint
Bud and Branches Transfer (Black and White Flowers)
Dixie Belle Mini Brush x 2
Clear and Brown Best Dang Wax
Best Dang Brush
La Petite Brush
Applicator Pad

On the left you can see what we started with. There is no drawer and the handle is just ornamental. I was ok with this but I knew I would just paint over it instead.
To begin I used White Lightening (Mis 1 Tbsp to 1 Litre of warm water) I had premixed in a water bottle and a green scrubby sponge to clean the piece. Next I used my Mister with plain water to rinse the cleaner off.
I knew wanted a warm green to use on the base of this piece but I didn't have anything exactly right so I mixed my own custom colour.
I used equal parts Juniper and Cashmere Limited Edition Chalk Mineral Paint. Here you can see how I came up the colour. I used a finger to dip in each colour and mixed it on a discarded seal. This is a great way to mix colours as you don't waste any.

After mixing my custom colour together I got started painting. I applied the paint using my Dixie Belle Mini Brush and worked around the piece, being careful not to use too much paint on my first coat.
As it was a hot day my paint dried in about 20 minutes so I added another layer. I kept my mister handy to mist my brush or the dry painted surface if my brush started to drag. Misting your paint brush helps the paint go on smoothly and reduces how much paint you use.

I didn't add the custom paint colour to the area with the handle as I wanted to treat this like a regular drawer.
I used Dixie Belle's Sand Bar Chalk Mineral Paint. I also painted over the handle, being careful again not to use too much paint and to lift the handle and paint all areas.
When the first coat was dry I added another layer of Sand Bar.

I also painted the top of the table in Sand Bar. I made sure to have long smooth strokes as I applied the paint as this was a wider flat surface. When dry I applied another coat, using my mister to keep my brush strokes smooth and to help my paint go further.
Adding a Transfer

For this piece I used the black and white flowers from the 'Bud and Branches' Transfer.
It is recommended that you wait at least 12-24 hours after painting to add a transfer. Also make sure you do this step before adding any wax as the transfer will not adhere.
I cut the flowers out and then positioned them (without removing the backing) on my table top to plan my design. (I ended up removing the top butterfly.) Planning at this stage is important as you cannot reposition after you take the backing off and start burnishing. You can do this on a set of drawers etc too by using blue painters tape to secure your pieces as your planning your design.

When I was happy with the design I pealed the backing of each design and used the transfer stick to rub across the clear plastic, pushing the design onto the paint. I lifted part of the plastic and kept lifting it as the design transferred. If a section wasn't adhering I changed directions and burnished a different way.
I worked my way around until I had repeated the same process with each design.

When finished I applied Clear Best Dang Wax with my Best Dang Brush. I worked my way around the table in circular motions to work the wax into the paint. You can also use one of Dixie Belle's Clear Coats to seal and protect transfers. It is not recommended however that you use an oil based product as it can lift the design.
I used my Applicator Pad to remove the excess and then got my Brown Best Dang Wax. I applied the Brown Wax to the entire piece

with my La Petite Brush. The La Petite Brush is great for adding coloured waxed as it is tapered and you can work the wax into crevices.
I focused on working the wax into the corners and around the painted handle. I then used an applicator pad to blend and removed excess wax.

The finished product is a sweet cottage side table that would be perfect in any living room.
This piece is available for purchase in our Singleton Store.
If you have any question about this piece please contact us on our social media pages (@theprovincialfarmhouse) or via email: theprovincialfarmhouse@outlook.com.
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